Anonymous Purchase Examples

The anonymous purchase is secure since no private information is shared between the merchant and consumer

In each of the examples below, the consumer shares no personal information with the merchant.   The consumer and the merchant each deal only with their own Financial Authority (typically a bank).   The consumer initiates a purchase with the consumer's Financial Authority; the consumer's Financial Authority brokers the purchase with the merchant's Financial Authority and the merchant's Financial Authority notifies the merchant that the purchase has been accepted.   It's as fast as a credit card transaction, and everyone's personal information is safe..

The Anonymous Purchase between a Consumer and Merchant on the street
An example of an Anonymous Purchase between a Consumer and a Merchant who meet on the street.
Using the Anonymous Purchase on the Internet
Using the Anonymous Purchase to complete a purchase on the Internet.
Dining with the Anonymous Purchase
The Anonymous Purchase is much more pleasant (and safer) than using a credit card when dining at a restaurant.

It's that simple:    it's secure, it's fast, and it's safe.   It's safe because the business is brokered by Financial Authorities and the customer is in complete control of the actual purchase.   It's the opposite of a credit card transaction, where you hand over your identity to a complete stranger, allowing someone else to approach your bank and take your money.  

Talk to your bank.  
Ask them if they care about your personal information and if they support anonymous payment methods.  

Thank you and be careful out there.